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PREVENTIVE AREA (Course 2020-2021)


In this area there are different working groups:

Affectivity-Sexuality Team .

This course begins with the hope of directing the mission of this team that seems essential to us in the COF “San Julián”.

We highlight as a general objective the active accompaniment to educate in the integration of sexuality in love.

As specific objectives we set ourselves:

  • Discover to society the meaning of the body as a gift of oneself, "the body is the place where the call of the person to donate is discovered" (José Granados).

  • Provide basic training generating spaces to break taboos.

  • Accompany the brother who approaches with the concern to know and understand sexuality and love as a channel to meet the other.

We see that the essence of this team can be focused on sexual education guidelines, specifying them in the vital stages of adolescence, youth, adulthood and old age, thus relating them to the physical changes in our body. It is not about organizing specific talks but rather about holding a personal meeting with which you are interested and want to deepen these objectives. In this way, the COF creates a space where it is possible to speak openly of the body as a gift, of sexuality as a good, etc.

Our first task will be to approach the parishes and archpriesties to convey the importance of this area and also to let them know that this line is being worked on in the COF so that they can count on us if someone requires it.

Awareness team for "Care at the end of this life".

This new team begins, with which it is intended to make society aware of the importance of care at the end of this life, to prepare for death, keeping in mind that it is a part of our life cycle, and seeing the best way for those care offered by the Palliative Care Unit.

COF monitor preparation team.

There is a team of monitors that expand the training that they will receive in the monitors course to obtain the title, with specific training for the task that is needed in the COF. These monitors have the objective of attending to the children of the parents who are being trained, who come to the COF for the accompaniments and come with their children, attend the children in the COF workshops and trainings, relieve the volunteers at the time of upbringing or in the time of caring for the elderly or dependent people, etc.



1st Emotional Training: Life Project. Emotions. Self-esteem.

2nd Affective-Sexual Training: Respect for one's own body and that of others. Vocation to love. Theology of the body.

3rd Cognitive training: Communication. Attention. Priorities. Organization of tasks.

4th Spiritual: Praying (how to pray, ways of praying, body posture, music, etc.). The vocation.

5th Social: current ideological currents, gender ideology.

In all training, these dimensions will be treated as fundamental for people. They will be given an approach to the preparation of the monitors in their dealings with children, so that they know themselves and also the different areas to take into account in their work as COF monitors. There will be one session per month, beginning in October. The sessions will have a theoretical part and a practical part.

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